
2023 Elections: CAN throws weight behind guber aspirant Umo Eno

The umbrella body of all Christians in Nigeria, the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), has assured the frontline People’s Democratic Party (PDP) gubernatorial aspirant, Pastor Umo Eno, of God’s guidance and protection in his quest to emerge as the next governor of the state in 2023.

Speaking during a consultation visit to the body, the State Chairman CAN, Rev Ndueso Ekwere, commended Governor Udom Emmanuel, for honouring the church by endorsing a man of God as his preferred successor.

Rev Ekwere noted that God has answered the prayers of the church by giving Akwa Ibom a righteous man to ascend the throne as governor of the state, adding that “the ‘righteous‘ is on his way to the throne.”

“During our breakfast meeting last August, at the ICON Hotel with our dear Governor, His Excellency, Deacon Udom Emmanuel, CAN as a body passed a vote of confidence on the Governor and urged him loud and clear to sustain his legacy by giving Akwa Ibom a Christian successor.

“Today, we are proud to identify with His Excellency’s completion agenda and succession plan, because the righteous‘ is on his way to the throne.”

He noted that Pastor Eno is a co-worker in the vineyard of God, who will not only represent the people of the state but also represent the Church and the Christian community.

We are indeed honoured and humbled to play host to a team, whose motive is not only to maintain peace but most importantly, to sustain the peace,” he remarked.

The CAN boss admonished the aspirant to lead the state with the fear of God as Akwa Ibom is a state named after God.

He harped on issue based campaigns as they go around canvassing for support and charged them not to be involved in blackmail and name calling to foster unity and progress in Akwa Ibom State.

In his presentation, the 2023 PDP hopeful, Pastor Umo Eno, said the essence of the visit was to inform the Church about his aspiration to govern the state in 2023 and also receive the blessing of the body of Christ.

He maintained that he depends on the blessings of God to be able to scale through the hurdles of elections as his trust is in God alone.

Eno, who is the state Commissioner for Lands and Water Resources, assured CAN that he will sustain the peace in the state and also build on Governor Udom Emmanuel’s legacies of peace and prosperity through industrialisation and agricultural renaissance, if elected into office in 2023.

He stated that his administration will introduce the youths to agric business by creating a business hub for the youths, where they can apply their trade and also acquire skills for self reliance.

“I connect with the youths, I know what they want. The youths don’t need the money you throw at them. They need employment and they need to be taught how to fish on their own. We will teach our youths how to start small and grow big and become employers of labour themselves, instead of waiting for white collar jobs that are not available,” Pastor Umo Eno remarked.

He stressed that he will not disappoint the church which he said is his constituency, but will work hard to bring glory to the name of God, while serving humanity in humility.

In his sermon, Rev. Ekong urged the aspirant to put his trust in God and allow God to have his way in his aspiration to serve the people of the state.

He harped on unity in the body of Christ, while stressing that CAN is the only recognised umbrella body of Christians in Nigeria and charged Christians to unite and love one another.

Prayers were offered for the success of Pastor Umo Eno’s ambition and continuous peace in Akwa Ibom State.

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