
Fola Folagbade’s Worital publishing celebrates one-year anniversary

Upwardly mobile businessman, Fola Folagbade’s publishing business, Worital publishing company is celebrating 12 months of consistent activities and professionalism.

The publishing firm works as a book branding, publishing, and distribution company. The publishing firm boasts of a team of young creatives, graphics designers, video curators, web designers, content creators, book designers, and e-book distribution experts.

Worital also operates an online platform, Bookplace, where e-book publishing and distribution are carried out.

Speaking on his publishing firm’s activities, Folagbade said, ” Worital started last year with the sole aim of changing the face of book publishing in Nigeria and Africa at large. We believe that everyone was born with a story to tell. Our goal is to make it easy for Nigerian authors to publish books with quality designs that can stand head to head with foreign books.

“It’s been a delightful journey, and we look forward to more amazing years to come. As we continue to grow, we will keep unfolding more facets of our brand geared towards changing the book publishing industry in this part of the world.”

About Worital Publishing

Worital is a book branding, publishing and distribution company with a team of young creatives, graphics designers, video curators, web designers, content creators, book designers and e-book distribution experts.

In one year, they have recorded so many success stories; worked with different individuals in Nigeria and other countries of the world, as well as dignitaries and prominent figures, priests, first ladies, coaches, thought leaders, pastors and different professionals. Little wonder they are called the Amazon of Africa.

Aside from providing quality designs, editing, production and publishing, Worital also help authors to sell their books on their online platform called the Bookplace. On the Bookplace, they showcase the works of these seasoned authors bringing their books to the doorstep of readers nationwide.


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