Police question Clarence Peters over death of video vixen, Kodak

Popular music video director and producer, Clarence Peters is currently being quizzed by the police in Lagos over the death of video vixen and dancer, Love Divine aka Kodak.

According to the police in Lagos, Peters has been invited for questioning and is currently being held at the State Criminal investigation and Intelligence Department (SCIID), Yaba.

The police also revealed that investigation into the death of Kodak has began while professionals are expected to carry out tests and autopsy on the deceased so as to determine the cause of death.

The deceased Kodak was reportedly electrocuted at Peters’ house on Wednesday, April 29 while she was charging her iPhone.

It was gathered that the dancer, who was barefooted and sat near the door of the residence, was operating the plugged phone when the incident happened.

According to reports, she suffered chest burns when the phone fell on her body and died before they got to the hospital.

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