
Prof Wole Soyinka loses younger brother

Professor Wole Soyinka’s younger brother, Professor Femi Soyinka, has passed on at the age of 85.

The late Femi Soyinka was the former Provost of the College of Health Sciences of Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife.

In a family statement, Mr Soyinka died at 85 in the early hours of Tuesday at his home in Kukumada Village, Ibadan, Oyo State.

Born in 1937 Professor Femi Soyinka obtained a Medical degree in Medicine and Surgery MBchB from University of Heidelberg, 1964; and Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree from the same University in 1965. He specialised and practised as a Dermatologist, Venereologist and Allergologist at the University of Giessen,1969.

In 1972, he obtained a Master of Public Health degree from Hadassah Medical School, (MPH) Israel.

The Soyinka Family of Ake/Isara, Ogun State, has announced the passing of their father, grandfather, great grandfather, brother, uncle Professor Femi Soyinka, which occurred in the early hours of Tuesday, 14 June 2022 at his home in Kukumada Village, Ibadan, Oyo State

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