As Ramadan begins, here are the expected Nafilats for each night as you wake up to eat your sari.
Day 1
Salam Alaeikun
For today’s Sari, here’s the procedure for the nofilah
10 rakah, 5 salama.
Recite Suratul-Fatiah 1, ina anzalinau 2; Qul-ya’ayyual 2; Qul-huwa’llahu 2 on each of the rakat.
May Allah accept our siyam, qiyam, supplications and Ibadah
Day 2
Salam Alaeikun
For today’s Sari, here’s the procedure for the nofilah
6 rakah, 3 salama.
Recite Suratul-Fatiah 1, Ina Attaina-kali’kaosara 5 on each of the rakah.
May Allah accept our siyam, qiyam, supplications and Ibadah
Day 3
Salam Alaeikun
For today’s Sari, here’s the procedure for the nofilah
6 Rakah, 3 salama.
Recite Suratul-Fatiah 1, Ina anzalinau 1; Qul-yaayyual 1 on each of the rakah.
May Allah accept our siyam, qiyam, supplications and Ibadah
Day 4
Salam Alaeikun
For today’s Sari, here’s the procedure for the nofilah
4 rakah, 2 salama.
Recite Suratul-fatiah 1, Qul-ya’ayyual’kafiruna 3 on each of the rakah.
May Allah accept our siyam, qiyam, supplications and Ibadah
Day 5
Salam Alaeikun
For today’s Sari, here’s the procedure for the nofilah
8 rakah, salama 4
Recite Suratul-fatiah 1, Alamnasrah 1; Qul-huwa’llahu 3 on each of the rakah.
May Allah accept our siyam, qiyam, supplications and Ibadah
Day 6
Salam Alaeikun
For today’s Sari, here’s the procedure for the nofilah
2 rakah, 1 salama
Recite Suratul-fatiah 1, Qul-huwa’llahu-ahad 10 on each of the rakah
May Allah accept our siyam, qiyam, supplications and Ibadah
Day 7
Salam Alaeikun
For today’s Sari, here’s the procedure for the nofilah
6 Rakah, 3 salama
Recite Suratul-fatiah 1, Qul-ya’ayyual 7; Qul-huwa’llahu 7 on each of the rakah.
May Allah accept our siyam, qiyam, supplications and Ibadah
Day 8
Salam Alaeikun
For today’s Sari, here’s the procedure for the nofilah
2 rakah, 1 salama
Recite Suratul-fatiah 1, Qul-huwa’llahu 12; Qul-‘ahusu-birabil falaq 12; Qul-ahusu-birabi ‘nasi 12 on each of the rakah
May Allah accept our siyam, qiyam, supplications and Ibadah
Day 9
Salam Alaeikun
For today’s Sari, here’s the procedure for the nofilah
8 rakah, 4 salama
Recite Suratul-fatiah 1, Tabatiyada 3; Qul-huwa’llahu 3 on each of the nafilah
May Allah accept our siyam, qiyam, supplications and Ibadah
Day 10
Salam Alaeikun
For today’s Sari, here’s the procedure for the nofilah
4 rakah, 2 salama
Recite Suratul-fatiah 1, Qurisiyu 1; Ina’anzalinau 3; Qul-huwa’llahu 12 on each of the rakah. (After Nafilah (salama), Laola Walaquoata 70; Asalatu 70.)
May Allah accept our siyam, qiyam, supplications and Ibadah

Day 11
Salam Alaeikun
For today’s Sari, here’s the procedure for the nofilah
4 rakah, 2 salama
Recite Suratul-fatiah 1, Ina’anzalinau 7; Qul-ya’ayyual 7; Qul-huwa’llahu-ahad 7 on each of the nafilah.
May Allah accept our siyam, qiyam, supplications and Ibadah
Day 12
Salam Alaeikun
For today’s Sari, here’s the procedure for the nofilah
10 rakah, 5 salama
Recite Suratul-fatiah 1, Qul-huwa’llau-ahad 6 on each of the nafilah
May Allah accept our siyam, qiyam, supplications and Ibadah
Day 13
Salam Alaeikun
For today’s Sari, here’s the procedure for the nofilah
10 rakah, 5 salama
Recite Suratul-fatiah 1, Isa’ja 7; Qul-huwa’llau-ahad 7 on each of the rakah
May Allah accept our siyam, qiyam, supplications and Ibadah
Day 14
Salam Alaeikun
For today’s Sari, here’s the procedure for the nofilah
8 Rakah, 4 salama
Recite, Suratul-fatiah 1, Isa’ja 7; Qul-huwa’llahu-ahad 7 on each of the rakah
May Allah accept our siyam, qiyam, supplications and Ibadah
Day 15
Salam Alaeikun
For today’s Sari, here’s the procedure for the nofilah
6 rakah, 3 salama
Recite Suratul-fatiah 1, Isa’ja 1; Qul-huwa’llahu-ahad 35 on each of the rakah.
May Allah accept our siyam, qiyam, supplications and Ibadah
Day 16
Salam Alaeikun
For today’s Sari, here’s the procedure for the nofilah
2 Rakah, 1 salama
Recite, Suratul-fatiah 1, Isa’zul-silatil-arid-ziliza’laha 10 on each of the rakah
May Allah accept our siyam, qiyam, supplications and Ibadah
Day 17
Salam Alaeikun
For today’s Sari, here’s the procedure for the nofilah
10 rakah, 5 salama
Recite Suratul-fatiah 1, Ina’anzalinau 2; Qul-huwa’llahu 2 on each of the rakah.
May Allah accept our siyam, qiyam, supplications and Ibadah
Day 18
Salam Alaeikun
For today’s Sari, here’s the procedure for the nofilah
12 rakah, 6 salama
Recite, Suratul-fatiah 1, sabih’s’mirobikal ‘ala 1; Qul-ya’ayyual 1; Qul-huwa’llahu-ahad 1 on each of the rakah
May Allah accept our siyam, qiyam, supplications and Ibadah
Day 19
Salam Alaeikun
For today’s Sari, here’s the procedure for the nofilah
6 Rakah, 3 salama
Recite Suratul-fatiah 1, Qul-huwa’llahu-ahad 7 on each of the rakah
May Allah accept our siyam, qiyam, supplications and Ibadah
Day 20
Salam Alaeikun
For today’s Sari, here’s the procedure for the nofilah
10 Rakah, 5 salama
Recite Suratul-fatiah 1, Ina’anzalinahu 1; Qul-huwa’llahu-ahad 1 on each of the rakah
May Allah accept our siyam, qiyam, supplications and Ibadah
Day 21
Salam Alaeikun
For today’s Sari, here’s the procedure for the nofilah
4 rakah, 2 salama
Recite Suratul-Fatiah 1, Qul-huwa’llahu-ahad 10 on each of the rakah
May Allah accept our siyam, qiyam, supplications and Ibadah
Day 22
Salam Alaeikun
For today’s Sari, here’s the procedure for the nofilah
2 rakah, 1 salama
Recite Suratul-fatiah 1, sabihi’s’mirobikah 1; Ina’anzalinau 3; Qul-huwa-llahu 3; Qul-‘awu’su-birabil-falaq 3; Qul-‘awusubirabil-nas 3 on each of the rakah.
May Allah accept our siyam, qiyam, supplications and Ibadah
Day 23
Salam Alaeikun
For today’s Sari, here’s the procedure for the nofilah
10 Rakah, 5 salama
Recite Suratul-fatiah 1, Isa’ja 5; Qul-huwa’llahu-ahad 5 on each of the rakah
May Allah accept our siyam, qiyam, supplications and Ibadah
Day 24
Salam Alaeikun
For today’s Sari, here’s the procedure for the nofilah
6 Rakah, 3 salama
Recite Suratul-fatiah 1, Qul-huwa’llahu-ahad 6; Birabil-falaq 6; Birabil-nas 6 on each of the rakah
May Allah accept our siyam, qiyam, supplications and Ibadah
Day 25
Salam Alaeikun
For today’s Sari, here’s the procedure for the nofilah
8 Rakah, 4 salama
Recite, Suratul-fatiah 1, Qul-huwa’llahu-ahad 4 on each of the rakah
May Allah accept our siyam, qiyam, supplications and Ibadah
Day 26
Salam Alaeikun
For today’s Sari, here’s the procedure for the nofilah
10 Rakah, 5 salama
Recite Suratul-fatiah 1, Qul-huwa’llahu-ahad 5 on each of the rakah
May Allah accept our siyam, qiyam, supplications and Ibadah
Day 27
Salam Alaeikun
For today’s Sari, here’s the procedure for the nofilah
10 rakah, 5 salama
Recite Suratul-fatiah 1, Ina’anzali nau-filailatul-kadir 10 on each of the rakah
May Allah accept our siyam, qiyam, supplications and Ibadah
Day 28
Salam Alaeikun
For today’s Sari, here’s the procedure for the nofilah
4 Rakah, 2 salama
Recite Suratul-fatiah 1, Qul-ya’ayyual 1; Qul-huwa’llahu-ahad 15 on each of the rakah.
May Allah accept our siyam, qiyam, supplications and Ibadah
Day 29
Salam Alaeikun
For today’s Sari, here’s the procedure for the nofilah
6 Rakah, 3 salama
Recite Suratul-fatiah 1, Qul-huwa’llahu-ahad 10 on each of the rakah
May Allah accept our siyam, qiyam, supplications and Ibadah
Day 30
Salam Alaeikun
For today’s Sari, here’s the procedure for the nofilah
4 rakah, 2 salama
Recite suratul-fatiah 1, Qul-ya’ayyual-kafiroon 25 on each of the rakah (After the Nafilah, Astagfiru-lah 70; Asalatu 70.)
May Allah accept our siyam, qiyam, supplications and Ibadah
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