Ultimate Love: Viewers fail to save ‘MiCherry’ as 8 couples seek votes

Viewers have failed to save the duo of Michael and Cherry (MiCherry) as the first checkout session of Ultimate Love held on March 1.

MiCherry have become the first couple to be checked out of Ultimate Love after the show kicked off three weeks. 

The couple was evicted during the live check-out show after they received the least number of votes out of the five nominated couples from the voting public last week. 

MiCherry, who both claimed they were glad they found each other, went home with N350,000 in their portmanteau after they played the Jeopardy game.


Ahead of the fourth Live show, eight couples (16 love guests) were nominated for possible check-out during the live show. 

The couples up for nominations are Jeriton, Roksie, ObiEbi, Bolar, JayKech, Chivia, DoubleChris, and Jelo.

Jeriton led the pack this week again with four nominations; Roksie and ObiEbi had three nominations each; Bolar, JayKech, Chiva, DoubleChris, and Jelo got two nominations respectively.

As is the rule of the reality TV show, Aunty will save one of the couples from possible eviction after performing a task as chosen by her. The couples selected for the task by the show’s Aunty (Adesuwa Onyenokwe) are ObiEbi and JayKech.

The couples with the least number of votes will be evicted during the live check-out show next Sunday.

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